Looking back, one of the most important decisions I ever made was to work with Jillian Genovese at A Full Plate Nutrition. I had been struggling with my weight, food and beverage choices, confidence, and negative mindset for over 40 years. I had the worst love/hate relationship with food ever....since I've been 18 yrs old and I'm now 67. A lifetime of struggle and battles. My metabolism was destroyed from yo yo dieting....my struggle overwhelmed me. I was depressed and defeated before I met Jillian.
Finally, Jillian comes along and understands what I'm thinking, how this negative energy impacted my food decisions, and why I never got off the food/diet/lose/regain merry-go-round. Jillian gave me knowledge, advise and encouragement that really resonated with me. Her own knowledge is prodigious.....and she imparts that information to her clients in a kind and understanding manner. She is patient, smart and encouraging. It is easy to embrace Jillian's suggested lifestyle and to make her knowledge your own. I am 67 years old and honestly....I feel like I am 30 (ok, maybe 40) years old! The fountain of youth provided by Jillian!!
It is not always that easy to implement day after day.....but seeing the results on the scale and how you feel is just more encouragement to keep on going. She always gave me that gentle nudge and her positive messaging during our meetings left no room for my negative thoughts to creep in. She is just literally an angel! And a hell of a smart one too!!!
And what I really appreciated is that Jillian goes the extra step and does the work to make sure you have room for success. She gives you grocery suggestions, shopping lists, recipes, best option choices for your favorite foods.....and makes sure you eat CLEAN with no sugar, additives or anything not natural. You feel so great that you are eating so clean and healthy....it's a very positive mindset. I want to continue eating like this and feeling like this for the rest of my life. Thanks to Jillian, I have the tools and knowledge to do so.
I now eat clean, healthy, gave up really bad habits that were sabotoging my goals (like a bad habit of drinking Diet Coke every day) and lost almost 15 lbs in the process. I'd like to lose more.....I can do it with the tools I have from a Full Plate Nutrition.
Jillian's program is the best money spent....the most important investment you will ever make. Because it is a positive investment in YOU....in your knowledge, and in feeling and being healthy.....and LOVING IT!!!!!
I love you Jillian Genovese....:) You will ALWAYS be in my heart and I will never forget you. I believe in you as a Nutritionist and as a wonderful human being. You have helped me more than you could ever know.
— CR
Working with Jillian is like talking to a friend - who is knowledgeable about all things nutrition. I am somewhat savvy with how to eat and what to eat, but was still not able to break bad habits I had formed. My goal was to reignite my appetite and we definitely accomplished that! Even when I start to slip for a day or two, Jillian shares so many real life attainable tips to help keep me from spiraling backward. Keeping with a routine and knowing the right foods to stock for those eating on the go days was a huge piece for me. Something as simple as learning to read labels to keep my choices full of whole foods and free of unnecessary additives was such a fun useful thing to learn. The support and comfort to get into the super personal and sensitive topics like hormonal concerns and how important diet is in regulating was something I absolutely could not do on my own and value Jillian's input and expertise on these topics.
— MK
My daughter’s mood is dramatically better. She no longer seems like she is DRIVEN by food desire and cravings, but rather looks forward to CHOOSING a healthy option for herself. Physically she appears less "puffy" and slightly more lean, and simply seems to be more at peace with food. Her mood is better, she is happier overall and has more energy for sure. Key takeaways for both of us include how to pair foods together for maximum satiety and energy level, how to make healthy swaps, and learning about how much blood sugar cycle impacts cravings.
I loved the scientific reasoning Jillian provided (i.e. blood sugar roller coaster) that really made so much sense in an easy to understand manner. It backed up all of her suggestions with concrete evidence as to why we should be making these better choices. I also loved the recipes and snack ideas and shopping lists! Specific product recommendations were much appreciated!
— KD
Jillian is wonderful to work with! She is an excellent listener, and an even better Dietitian, and helped me learn how to overcome my food fears and feel excited about food again.
Jillian has a way of getting through to people who are reserved, and I appreciate her patience and wisdom. My primary takeaway from this program is that my health journey has room for variety in what I eat, which has cleared my mind and helped alleviate some of my anxieties.
At the beginning of my journey, I thought that I might just have to coast through the program to the end because it was hard to visualize a change as drastic as what we talked about in the beginning.
Looking back, I’m glad that I leaned into The Full Plate food list, The Full Plate ‘plate’ graphic, and the recipes you provided because they took away the guess-work that I was struggling with so much prior to this program. I feel like what I’ve learned, and ‘unlearned’, over the past 4 months has helped clear my mind and a lot of my anxieties.
My mood has been boosted, my ‘self-talk’ is so much more positive, and my habits are changing in ways that are helping me lead a healthier lifestyle.
Thank you, Jillian!
— AK
Prior to working with Jillian, I would have blood sugar crashes that would turn in to anxiety attacks. I lived in constant fear of these episodes. I would over-eat in hopes to prevent blood sugar crashes, which caused me to gain a lot of weight. I was very lost and felt hopeless. After working with Jillian, my blood sugar is regulated, I lost bloating/weight, and I no longer have constant cystic acne outbreaks on my chin. Jillian gave me the tools to take back control of my life. The changes she helped me implement were simple (with hindsight!) but so significant in improving my quality of life.
— HW