A balanced whole-foods approach is the key
to living long and feeling your best
the way we approach nutrition and health needs to change
Core Belief #1: Diet’s fail because they involve too many rigid rules and don’t consider YOU. Keep things simple.
At the very base of it all, nutrition is simple. Yet, as a society we over complicate it. We’re constantly looking for the next miracle diet or quick-fix solution to our health problems. This is not our fault. Diet culture has trained our minds to see our bodies and health as something that needs overnight “fixing.” That we need to look and feel a certain way, tomorrow. Not to mention, it has inundated us with an overwhelming amount of information that is nearly impossible to confidently navigate. As a result, not only are we stuck with pestering thoughts that we need to be a certain way, but we have no idea how to actually even get there.
Time and time again I see people trying all these different fad diets, detox plans, supplements, or whatever else is hot off the press with no real results or “results” that don’t last. I get the temptation but be honest with yourself, has the apple cider vinegar shot you’ve been forcing down every morning really been working for you or are you just feeling nauseous. What about the “I’m saving my calories for later” mentality. Is that leading to sustainable weight loss? Or do you just find yourself stuck in a binge-restrict cycle. And that pricey supplement you just bought cause it convinced you it would cure your PMS or menopause symptoms - working yet or just draining your wallet?
The Full Plate Program was built on this principal: lasting health is achieved when we throw out the conventional dieting approach and zoom-in on the individual. Diet’s continuously fail because they dole out a boiler-plate “plan” that neglects a person’s unique needs and involves a set of strict rules that can realistically only be maintained short-term. Short-lived diets = short-lived results. We don’t want that, right?
Core Belief #2: Working toward whole-body wellness where we consider the mind, body, and spirit is the key to sustainable health.
While it is essential to focus in on the individual, once we’re there, we need to zoom out and look at the body as a whole and how everything works together. Optimizing health and sustaining efforts is nearly impossible if you seek to treat isolated problems or symptoms and focus solely on the desired outcome and how quickly you can get there. Whole-body wellness requires treating it all; the mind, body, and spirit, while focusing on the journey not just the end-game. It’s work, but it’s worth it.
For example, we don’t normally think that sleep or stress has an impact on our weight. But the reality is, both are directly related to how easy it is for you to maintain a healthy weight, lose weight, and even how quickly you put on weight. How? Hormones, metabolic processes, and inflammatory responses. All of which, I might add, can act differently from person to person. So, if you’re wondering why your friend can eat all they want, all the time and never gain a pound but you, on the other hand, have a couple days of extra indulgence and feel 5 lbs heavier… I’m here to tell you - you’re not crazy! Every body processes things differently and it’s important to understand how our unique body works before strategically using nutrition and lifestyle intervention to make changes.
The bottom-line: If you want to see true change that actually lasts you have to make improvements in your life beyond what’s just on your plate. It may not happen overnight, and it may take small, gradual adjustments if that’s what you need, but when we become progress-focused over results-driven, achieving your goals becomes way easier and enjoyable.
Core Belief #3: Fill your plate with fresh, whole-food sources, and less processed, refined ones…most of the time.
At A Full Plate, there is a strong emphasis on food source and food quality but we always encourage flexibility. The more plants (fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, beans, legumes, whole grains) on your plate the better, but there is also a place for animal proteins and of course… the fun foods you can’t live without. Flexibility is the key to sustainability. Let go of the mentality that you need to follow your diet to the T every-single-day and allow yourself a little wiggle room.
We believe plant foods are literally life because they’re packed with vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and antioxidants that are essential to cellular metabolism, calm inflammation, and keeping the body running smoothly and in harmony. Macros (protein, fats, carbs) and calories may be king and queen but those little guys, called micronutrients, are where the magic happens. They’re like little fairies that go around sprinkling fairy dust everywhere turning everything from black and white to color.
They enhance. Bring energy. And breathe life. Without them things are drab, tired, and unable to reach their full potential. Fill your plate with vibrancy to liven up your insides and you’ll start to feel more bright and energized on the outside.